January 6, 2018 ~ 2 min read

The Principles Of Success

Tim Ferriss, along with many others, has popularized the study of top performers. This combined with the rise of content creation on the internet means we now have access to podcast interviews, articles, and videos detailing the habits and strategies of people we admire.

Naturally, there is also a lot of skepticism around this area. My sister often rolls her eyes when she sees me rereading some section of Tools of Titans. Books labeled as "self-help" have a negative connotation. And I think this skepticism is justified. There's a lot of luck when it comes to being "successful" (however you define that). There's a lot of bad advice that comes as the result of hindsight bias when in reality something had nothing to do with their eventual success. What works for one person, may not work for another

But I think there's a lot of amazing things that have also come out of this movement. These tools and habits that could make us healthier, happier, and more productive are often not talked about. ~80% of the people interviewed in Tools of Titans meditate daily. There's a plethora of science to back up the effectiveness of meditation. So why do relatively few people I talk to meditate regularly or even really understand what meditation is?

When Arnold Schwarzenegger started bodybuilding in the 60's and 70's, the sport was relatively unknown. Going to the gym was considered weird, so much so that actors would lie about the fact that they even worked out regularly. Now it's a part of many peoples every day lives. I think we are starting to see a similar awakening with many of these tools that are already used by people we admire.

Stoicism, gratitude, and meditation are about more than famous people rationalizing what made them successful. The evidence is strong, yet many people still fight them or unaware entirely.

Should we teach these things? In schools? Why don't we teach them?

Maxi Ferreira

Hi, I'm Taylor . I'm a software engineer/maker/amateur chef currently living in San Francisco. You can follow me on Twitter , see some of my work on GitHub , or read about my life on Substack .